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Detale o "The Dark Knight" TDK icon
Dodano: 09-08-2007, 17:27 Autor: Q
Serwis Latino Review umiescił szczegółowe informacje o fabule "The Dark Knight".

SPOILER! (tekst jest w języku angielskim i zdradza istotne elementy fabuły filmu)
THE BATMAN WANNABE: There’s a fake Batman roaming the streets of Gotham City. He's 'for' the cops, they believe that he's the real Batman. And it's a connection to the Batman Begins scene with Bruce, Henri Ducard, Ra's Al Ghul and many ninjas, the 'invisibility' scene. THE BAT-POD: The “motorcycle” is not a part of the Thumbler (the ‘Batmobile’ vehicle Batman drove in Batman Begins), it's another Lucius Fox's gadget. The Bat-Pod has one big action sequence in the film. TWO-FACE: Many have clamored for information since it was revealed that Harvey Dent (played by Aaron Eckhart) will become Two-Face in The Dark Knight. However Two-Face has only one scene, which comes at the end of the film. RACHAEL DAWES: Remember the Joker’s dialogue in the trailer? TONIGHT PEOPLE WILL DIE, I’M A MAN OF MY WORD” It’s from a big party scene where the Joker (Heath Ledger) kidnaps Rachel Dawes (now played by Maggie Gyllenhaal) and she tells the Joker that Bruce Wayne is The Batman. However Batman has a scene in the film with the Joker and through some trickery has The Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room. This causes Joker to think that Bruce Wayne is NOT Batman and that Rachel lied to him. Rachel is also having an affair/having a romance with one of the main characters of the film and, no, it is not Bruce Wayne. THE BIG FINALE: Someone dies - a main character dies. We aren’t going to tell you who dies but what we can say is that promotional materials already reveal who dies, you just have to look for it. You can slice through Latino Review’s Dark Knight photos and find the huge clue? IT COULD! However this is a big fight at the end in which Harvey wants his revenge, wants to kill The Joker, but Batman stops him and Harvey is going crazy. And now he is against The Batman. The Joker now knows that Bruce is Batman, but Harvey does not.

UPDATE: Serwis Latino Review dodał informację, że do tych spoilerów należy podejść z dużą rezerwą, także serwis BOF otrzymał wiadomość, od swojego źródła, że informacje z tekstu na LR nie są pewne. Jednak należy się liczyć z możliwością, że cześć tych informacji okaże się prawdziwa.

Powrót do newsów

Dodano: 09-08-2007, 17:51 | Autor: bolololo
Jakoś średnio mi się to podoba, chociaż wiele przypuszczeń odnośnie fabuły ma tu swoje potwierdzenie. Ciekawe tylko kto zginie. Obstawial Rachel chociaż może też być tak, że to tylkok przenośnia i chodzi o smierć Denta i narodziny Two-Face'a

Dodano: 09-08-2007, 18:06 | Autor: (A)nonim

THE BIG FINALE: Someone dies - a main character dies. We aren’t going to tell you who dies but what we can say is that promotional materials already reveal who dies, you just have to look for it.
No to albo Rachel (zdjęcie z nożem), albo Harvey (zniszczony plakat i inne takie). No i rzeczywiście to może być przenośnia z Two-Face. I czy to są prawdziwe informacje? ;)

Dodano: 09-08-2007, 18:17 | Autor: The Dark Knight
Nie czytam :)

Dodano: 09-08-2007, 18:40 | Autor: (A)nonim
I dobrze robisz. ;)

Dodano: 09-08-2007, 18:49 | Autor: Mr. ??
No to super.

Dodano: 09-08-2007, 21:12 | Autor: marsco
pewnie baja i tyle ;)

Dodano: 09-08-2007, 23:33 | Autor: Breja
Jak zwykle- na koniec okaże się, że nie w Moskwie tylko w Petersburgu, nie samochody tylko rowery, i nie rozdają tylko kradną:)

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