(The Gotham City Officials)

Opis autorstwa Jima Steinmana:
„PIG” is written to be the song of the corrupt bloodsuckers who run GOTHAM CITY, and stare down from their chrome towers that disembowel the sky, pollutants raining down like a thick clotted rain of decay. Its meant to be comically grotesquely frightening.

Look at them, now!
What do they want?
And what do they do, now?
Nothing at all!

They all live on so aimlessly…
But what do they know?

What do they think?
And who do they tell?

Well, no one at all!

Their lives are purely meaningless
And we are busy being blessed –

With all that we can take and pocket
No one needs to know
We’re the plug and they’re the socket
Give us the juice and we’ll glow!

Can’t you hear the choir now?

Listen to the animals sing!
Can’t you hear the slaughter-house bells?
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!

Can’t you hear the choir now?
Listen to the market-place sing!
Can’t you hear the slaughter-house bells?
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!

How do they sleep?
Their lives are all so tawdry
And they’re nothin’ but trash!
And we’re the biggest trash collector!

What do you expect?
They’ve got no standards
Perfect for us!
We lower the bar!

And we’ll open up Pandora’s Box
Pandora gave us keys and locks!

And they’re the victims waiting for their mugger
Come to the confessional
So I can tell you all to bugger off!
No time like now!

And we’ll do it our way

In the U.S.A.
We know what to say
If you stand in our way
Don’t stand in our way!
That’s our way…
No time like today…!

Can’t you hear the choir now?
Listen to the amputees sing!
Can’t you hear the slaughter-house bells?

In the land of the pig the butcher is king!
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!

Can’t you hear the choir now?
Listen to the chosen ones sing!
Can’t you hear the slaughter-house bells?
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!


In the land of the pig the butcher is king!
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!
In the land of the pig the butcher is king!


Piosenka załączona ze względu na odniesienia do utworu „GOTHAM CITY”.

Cry, baby, cry
Cry, cry to heaven
Say a prayer and light a candle
Toll a bell

Cry, baby, cry
Cry, cry to heaven
And if that doesn’t do it for you
Go ahead and cry like hell


Cry, baby, cry
Cry, cry to heaven
Storm the castle, stem the tide
Rise above your cell

Cry, baby, cry
Cry, cry to heaven
If that doesn’t do it for you

Go ahead and cry like
Go ahead and cry like
Go ahead and cry like hell


Opis autorstwa Jima Steinmana:
Selena Kyle, aka Catwoman secretly, was A WITNESS to the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents. A street urchin who happened to see it all, hidden away. The brutal murders haunt both Bruce and Selena. But both respond totally differently to their traumatic bruising. Bruce learns to vow REVENGE and becomes the avenging knight, BATMAN. But Selena is mostly mentally scarred by realizing how easily things that are precious can be taken from you. (Mrs. Wayne’s pearl necklace is ripped from her throat.) So Selena grows up, CRAVING precious jewels, & obessed with HOLDING ONTO THEM! (She never wears them outside, shes a plain mousy woman, but she hoards them in chests.) Only when she transforms into CATWOMAN are her love of danger & lust for precious jewels & „crime” what dominates her. Its the secret total possession of them that drives her, not the public display.
So both „witnesses” to the crime of the Wayne’s horrific murder by Joker has mutated two little „observers”: Bruce became Batman, Selena became CATWOMAN. Two little „lost” children have mutated thru their own complex reactions to a numbing loss, and in fact fall in love, with a dark, somewhat „kinky” S&M like undertow.This is new to the Batman world.

Catwoman sings her song alone in a jewelry store, an orgiastic revel in the glinting glittering jewels, piled up around her. She smashes glass cases and dances as erotically as Salome with the severed head of John the Baptist. I think you’ll recognize my best use of the „chorus” here”: „I NEED ALL THE LOVE I CAN GET AND I NEED ALL THE LOVE THAT I CANT GET TO(O)”

Then, at the end of BATMAN, under the fiery ruins of an elevated train & track, fighting ferociously with Joker, Catwoman & Batman unite. And in the battle, Catwoman is mortally wounded, „saving” Batman’s life heroically. In a climactic elegiac song, BATMAN, holding the dying Catwoman in his arms, sings „We’re Still The Children We Once Were”, along with the expiring Catwoman, AND with THEMSELVES as the little kids who saw the murder. It forms a hopefully thrilling, tragic quartet: Bruce as an orphan, Selena as a terrified urchin, BATMAN, as a heartshattered avenger, and CATWOMAN as a dying doomed hero. A spine tingling quartet. Batmans final act of gruesome revenge still awaits. But this is the operatic finale.

Look! Look…! Look…!

She lies awash in beauty…
Afloat in a river of crystal…
Among waves of turquoise that sparkle like… diamonds…!

Every precious jewel is a memento –
A memento mori
A souvenir of death! – NO!
Not a memento mori…

A memento vitae!
A memento of life…
A many-sided mirror…
A prism, a prison for rainbows!
Rainbow, rainbow…
Remember O Catwoman
That thou art dust
Remember that you’re going to live…

TO LIVE! – Because you must…!
You must…
You must…!

Too dangerous to wear
Too beautiful to sell
A glinting glimpse of heaven
In the midst of all this hell…

Memento mori

Grab everything you can
You can lose it all so suddenly
To the frozen face of death…!

Memento vitae
Just grasp it in your hand
You’ve got to live and „beauty is life”
A jewel, a heartbeat, a breath…!

Memento mori

Grab everything you can
They’ll take it all away from you
You’re left alone, bereft…

Memento vitae
Just clutch it in your hand
You can take it back, steal life away
From DEATH, your greatest theft…!

And I need all the love I can get

And I need all the love that I can’t get too
I need all the love I can get
And I need all the love that I can’t get too…


The wind is sharp, it makes me shiver!
The night’s a promise, but will it deliver?!
The nothingness surrounds me
It makes me so reflective

I’ve got nine lives, just like they said, and all of them DEFECTIVE!

Forever I’ll be collecting
Jewels and regrets
Forever is such a long, long time
And most of it hasn’t even happened yet!

And I need all the love I can get
And I need all the love that I can’t get too

And I need all the love I can get
And I need all the love that I can’t get too…


And I need all the love I can get
And I need all the love that I can’t get too

And I need all the love I can get
And I need all the love that I can’t get too…


And I need all the love I can get
And I need all the love that I can’t get too

And I need all the love I can get
And I need all the love that I can’t get too…

The wind is sharp and it makes me shiver!
The night’s a promise, but will it deliver?!

At times like this I’m so effective
I’ve got nine lives and they’re all DEFECTIVE!

… Too dangerous to wear
Too beautiful to sell
A glinting glimpse of heaven
In the midst of all this hell…

Forever I’ll be collecting
Precious jewels and regrets

Forever is such a long long time
And most of it hasn’t even happened yet…!

The Climactic Sequence

We’re still the children we were then
And we never found a way
We never did get home…

Where’s mommy? daddy? where’d they go?
They’ve left us here alone
And with all the arts we’ve mastered
And all the things we’ve known…

Who’s going to take us home?

We’re still the children we were then…
Who’s going to take us home?
We’re still the children we were then…
Who’s going to take us home?
Take us home…?

And I hope you know that
After all these demons

Have passed and gone
There’s always one more left…!

And we simply can’t turn on the light!
And we surely can’t turn off the night!
We can’t find a way to get away from how we’ve grown…
Still waiting to go home…

We’re still the children we were then…
Still waiting to go home…

We’re still the children we were then…
Still waiting to go home…
Still waiting to go home…!

… I apologize for any histrionics
Reality can be a crashing bore!
But if you really want something maudlin
All you do is march abroad in
And let emotions pour…

Let emotions pour!

But now with all sincerity
Try not to be rough on me
When adding up the score
Who did what? and how? what for?
And with all this knowledge
How can we be so alone?
Some people never do get home…

We’re still the children we once were…
Some people never do get home…
We’re still the children we once were…
Some people never do get home…
Some people never do get home…!


And with all this knowledge

How can we be so alone?
Some people never do get home…

We’re still the children we were then…
Some people never do get home…
We’re still the children we were then…
Some people never do get home…
Some people never do get home…
Some people never do get home…

Take me home…


The Opening Sequence

Opis sekwencji otwierającej autorstwa Jima Steinmana:
The opening sequence from Batman. It starts with VESPERS coming from the Gotham Cathedral, then into „THE SONG OF GOTHAM CITY” which includes, for the first time, the „Angels Arise” melody (later „Appropriated & annexed & snatched” for VAMPIRES, where it was wasted). We see the Gothamites fearing the onset of night, pulling those metal sliding „doors/barriers” down and filling with oncoming terror as a storm approaches. The soprano is a SALVATION ARMY woman on the street in front of the cathedral. THEN: „we rise up” to see the entire panoramic vista of all of Gotham City. And from the darkness, amidst gargoyles and turrets and spires (OH MY!), suddenly we see a gargoyle come alive– its Batman, watching all before & below him. He sings THE GRAVEYARD SHIFT, on the Gothic rooftops, a human, watchful, vengeful dark presence. Then HES GONE! During his aria, below, a parade of characters pass by: Selena Kyle/Catwoman, The Joker, various city dwellers and „villains” we’ll meet later on……


Nox Noctis Venit

Nox Noctis Venit
Tenebrae Tenebris Involvunt
Tenebrae Tenebris Involvunt
Salva Nos, Domine
Salva Nos, Domine

Come midnight’s midnight
Come midnight’s midnight
When the dark entwines with darkness

When the dark entwines with darkness
Save us O’ Lord
Save us
Save us

Salvation Army Woman

Angels arise
As night must fall and
Radiant eyes

Stare down
On us all

If the powers that be
Be beyond our call
Then angels arise
As the night must


I can hear the thunder roll
I can feel the lightning strike
Could a storm be on its way
How I wish it would stay light

It’s so much better in the day
Everything seems safe and bright

Looks like its gonna be a dark one tonight!
Looks like its gonna be a dark one tonight!

Woman & Streetwalker

Come, come and cry
Cry, cry to heaven
Say a prayer and light a candle
Toll a bell

Come, come and cry
Cry unto heaven
And if your tears fall on deaf ears then
Go ahead
And cry like hell


Will the sirens never cease

Will the fires fade away
Gotham City is our home
But we fear the end of days

From the cradle to the grave
From the dawn to the last twilight
Looks like it’s gonna be a dark one tonight
Looks like it’s gonna be a dark one tonight

Woman, Streetwalker & Boy Soprano

Angels arise
As night must fall and
Glorious eyes stare down
On us all

If the powers that be
Be beyond our call
Then angels arise
As the night must surely, always, always


Nox Noctis Venit
Nox Noctis Venit
Tenebrae Tenebris Involvunt
Tenebrae Tenebris Involvunt

Salva Nos, Domine
Salva Nos, Domine

Come midnight’s midnight
Come midnight’s midnight

When the dark entwines with darkness
When the dark entwines with darkness

Save us O’ Lord
Save us
Save us…


Hear the screams of the mad and desperate
Hear the cries of the lost and lonely
There are things that have been only in the dark…

That’s the sound of an old dream dying
And that’s the birth of an original sin
There are things that have been only in the dark…!

And I see it all
I see it, all the devils are rising
As all the angels are starting to fall!

Maybe it’s a curse!
Maybe it’s a gift!
But I see it all!

… I work the graveyard shift…

I work the graveyard shift…
I work the graveyard… shift…

God speed…
God speed…
God speed, speed us away…

God speed…
God speed…
God speed, speed us away…!

God speed!
God speed!
God speed, speed us away!
Safe home! Safe home!

Only in the dark all the criminals gather
Always searching for the ultimate crime
Chaos and corruption and annihilation
Infinite victims, infinitesimal time!

And it’s time to unleash the furies
Stop it now and draw a line in the sand
This is where all the evil festers
Only in the dark I will make my stand!

And I see it all
I see it, all the devils are rising
As all the angels are starting to fall!

Maybe it’s a curse!
Maybe it’s a gift!
But I see it all!

… I work the graveyard shift…
I work the graveyard shift…
I work the graveyard shift…!

God speed…
God speed…

God speed, speed us away…

God speed…
God speed…
God speed, speed us away…!

God speed!
God speed!
God speed, speed us away!
Safe home! Safe home!

God speed…
God speed…
God speed, speed us away…!


The nightmares never end
I never sleep, I never wake
And after all these years I dedicate myself

To the memories of the innocent destroyed by crime!

And my parents who I buried
When I was only eight
To all the ghosts long departed
To all the ghosts who still wait!

I swear, I vow:
Right here, right now!
All of the angels are falling

As all of the devils are starting to rise!

Now the time has come!
Now it’s time to start!
Is there anybody here who does not hear these cries?!

… I work the graveyard shift…!



We are NOT amused! Let me put it to you this way:

Where does Chicago get all of that meat?
How does Venezuela get all of their heat?

And where does Adidas find all of their feet?
You’d like to know the answers, now, wouldn’t you boys?
Well, tell me where does he get all of those wonderful toys?!

Where do all the Disney folk get all of their toons?
How did Davy Crockett capture all of those coons?
Why are all my henchmen only second-class goons?
If you know the answers then… make a joyful noise!
And where does he get all of those wonderful toys?!

How did Esmeralda get a hunchback to fall?
What exactly does a priest do when he answers the call?
How did Julius Caesar deal with all of that „Gaul”?
Do you think I’m off my rocker?
Off the wagon? On a bender?
On a Tootsie? On a roll?
I’m on a tear around the wall?!

And how did Abercrombie and Fitch come up with so many boys?

And where does he get all of those wonderful, wonderful toys?!

I know what you’re thinking, well, FORGET IT!
I know what you’re planning – YOU’LL REGRET IT!
I know who they are and where they’ve been and exactly what they’re hoping to be!

They think they’ve been there, done that, seen it all, that’s all they can see!
Well, wait ’til they get a load, get a load of me!
Been there, done that, seen it all, that’s all they can see!
Well, wait ’til they get a load, get a load of me!
(powtórzenie 3x)

From the shores of Montezuma…
To the halls of Timbuktuma…

Ergh! Timbuktuma?
Stop me before I rhyme again!

From the shores of Montezuma…
To the tip of Timbuktu…
You can see him everywhere these days
What did BATMAN do in Katmandu?

Oooh, what a rhyme!
Eat your heart out, Stephen Sondheim!

I think that Captain Hook deserves…
Appreciation for the way
That he could handle all those –
Imbecilic – nauseating – stupefying – putrefying – mortifying! –
Little Lost Boys…!

But that’s clearly off the topic
Which is obviously:

Where do all the country clubs get all of their goys?
Where do all the Yiddish folk get all of their „oys”?
How do you stay away from the awful hoi-polloi’s?
And make a joyful noise??

Where does he get all of those – !

Where does he get all of those – !
Where does he get all of those – !
Where does he get all of those – !

Where does he – ! Where does he – ! Where does he – ! Where does he – !
Where does he – ! Where does he – ! Where does he – ! Where does he – !

Oooh, that’s very easy for me to say!



You’d like to know the secrets, now, wouldn’t you boys?
Well, where does he get all of those wonderful toys?
You’d like to know the secrets, now, wouldn’t you boys?
Well, where does he get all of those wonderful toys?

Been there, done that, seen it all, that’s all they can see!
Well, wait ’til they get a load, get a load of me!

Been there, done that, seen it all, that’s all they can see!
Well, wait ’til they get a load, get a load of me!

Ooooh baby, that’s what I like!
Chantilly lace and a pretty face
And a pony-tail just a… hangin’ down!
(I want a pony!)

Ooooh, look at that one over there!

That’s my beloved, my paramour!
Isn’t she fine?!
Well, to tell you the truth…
I hate every bone in her body EXCEPT MINE!!!
Oh well…

Father, I want to kill you!
Mother, I want to… (śmiech)

Ooooh, will this get me on T. R. L. or MTV?! (śmiech)

Look out rover!
And let Joker take over! (śmiech)

Doe! A deer! I killed that deer! (śmiech)

Why don’t you come up to the lab
And see what’s on the slab!

Oh, look at her skin
It’s the colour mochre!

Livin’ La Vida JOKER! (śmiech)

Been there, done that, seen it all, that’s all they can see!
Well, wait ’til they get a load, get a load of me!
Been there, done that, seen it all, that’s all they can see!
Well, wait ’til they get a load, get a load of me!

Will the real caped crusader
Please stand up!
Please stand up!

Please stand up!

My name is…
My name is…
My name is…
JOSÉ JIMÉNEZ! (śmiech)


The Batman & Catwoman Duet


I… am not allowed to love
Not allowed to fall

It seems that after all
Some rules must be unbroken…

I… am not allowed to swoon
Romanticize or croon
The beauty of your eyes
Must still remain… unspoken!

BUT my head will be unbowed
I’m certainly no fool,

I’m no fool…
For I know
I’ll always be allowed
To find exceptions to the rule…


I am not allowed to love
Not in mid-career
There’s just so little time

I can’t afford to be wrong…

I am not allowed to cry
Tremble, whimper, sigh
These signs of weakness are avoided
I must be strong

BUT pessimism must be disavowed
Life couldn’t be so cruel,
Be so cruel

And I know
A girl must be allowed
To find exceptions to the rule…

Batman i Catwoman:

BUT my head will be unbowed
I’m certainly no fool,
I’m no fool…
For I know

I’ll always be allowed
To find exceptions to the rule…!


Say what you will
I’ll hang on every word
I’ll hang on every l.e.t.t.er…

But nothing’s gonna change the truth

My knight is better…

Batman i Catwoman:

Nothing’s gonna change the truth
My knight is better……

All songs © JIM STEINMAN

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